Hello follovers, noobs and everyone else!
It's been months since I last posted but anyvay, I vill give you ze picture of Mickey Mouse as soon as possible and I now do at least one post a veek and vill do more polls, so keep reading mi posts and comment, I need comments desperatley.
I also want to make t-shirts, but I am going to vait until I have: at least 13 follovers, at least 30 comments, a BIG increase in ze amounts of page views I get per week, private suggestions for evil via E-Mail (davezeevilpickle@gmail.com) and a BIG increase in poll votes.
I'll also change my layouts more often and even make better YOUTUBE VIDEOS! (because I recently got better computer programs and a good camera). So tell your friends about me and also tell them to pass me on to their friends (also if you can spread me across the internet, E.G: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube ETC.)
(P.S Give me photos of you pretending I'm vith you and I'll put myself in the photo, then put it on my Partners in Evil page.)
This pickle is so awsome, you must spread him around the internet on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Blogger and Youtube